Of klongs, dongs and fake news
I HAD a “klong” moment last week. Nope, I wasn’t in Thailand and I didn’t fall into one of their canals, which is what klong means in Thai. It is a word that American reporters are apparently familiar with, as I discovered when I read a comment by Brian Dickerson of the Detroit Free Press in the Sunday Star.
Remembering Hell Island
TODAY marks the 40th anniversary of a place in our country that is practically unknown to most young Malaysians and even some older ones.
The LGBT alphabet soup gets thicker
THE recent incident over a minister’s press secretary’s decision to resign because of his sexual orientation shows that when it comes to gay rights, nothing has changed in post-GE14 Malaysia.
What’s new, Malaysia?
Here’s hoping what the old government failed to do, the new one will.
Can we weather this hot topic?
We are hot under the collar over the many shocking revelations by the new Government. But Aunty would like to talk about something else that is generating a lot of heat and definitely affects everyone too.
When life itself kills people
THROUGH early morning fog I see, visions of the things to be, the pains that are withheld for me, I realise and I can see....
To Malaysia with love, from the world
We are in the spotlight as the global flavour of the month. Keeping that love is going to take a lot more hard work.
Breaking free from culture of fear
We have finally conquered our fear of racially motivated riots and must never let it return.
My motley bunch of candidates
I AM very unhappy with a lot of things in this general election. I made that clear in previous columns. But I will not sit it out as I still believe I must cast my vote, even with its reduced value.
A nay and yay for people power
DESPITE the fierce objections, petitions and lawsuits, the Election Commission’s redelineation exercise was passed in Parliament. All it took was two hours of debate.
How to win the bride a.k.a. the jaded voter
AND so the wooing begins. Campaigning has started and the suitors, a.k.a. politicians, are trying their best to win over the prospective bride and her entire family, a.k.a. the voters.
Singing and dancing to world domination
This year’s CCTV Spring Festival Gala shows off China’s power, both soft and hard.